Latest Newsletter
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Children in Need
Pudsey was very impressed with all the different activities we got up to at Pre-school last week to raise money for Children in Need....

Easy Fundraising
If you are starting to think about Christmas shopping, you can help us raise funds for Preschool and Farm Friends every time you shop...
Stay and Play
We are accepting applications for January starters in our Piglets room (2 - 3 year olds) and will be holding a Stay and Play session for...

Children In Need
We will be fundraising for Children In Need all next week. Wear your pyjamas or fancy dress with a £1.00 donation for this amazing charity.
Christmas Cards
We will be handing out all the children's Christmas card proofs this week and all orders must be made online by 11th November.

Welcome Back!
It's lovely to see everyone back at Preschool and hear about all their half term adventures! We packed loads into the first half of term...