Pumpkin carving
Good evening to you all 😊 This week has been another activity packed week for our children. Lambs enjoyed a physical activity over...

Our new construction site
As promised, our new construction site!

Autumn activities
Good evening I hope you've all had a great weekend 😊 This week the children have been doing their Autumn activities 🍁🍂🍃 Piglets...

It's a small world
Good evening to you all ! It's been another busy week settling the children in but we're getting there ! 😊 The children have all been...

A very good morning to you all ! ☀️☀️ With the comfort and support of my amazing girls the children are starting to settle in to their...

A letter from the Queen!
It took a while but look what came today !!!! So proud of our preschool ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ This will take pride of place ☺️
An emotional week
Well what can I say !!! That was an emotional roller coaster of a week 😢 I would like to say a huge 'THANK YOU' to each and every one...
Sports Day success
Good evening to you all, I hope you've had a fab weekend. Piglets have had a busy week in their construction area again. They have been...
New Technology
Good evening I hope you all had a fab weekend. Well last week at preschool was another busy one of Transition visits and sports day...