Re-opening Questionnaire
Dear Parents/Carers, As you are aware, the Government have asked all Early Years settings to re-open to all children from Monday 1st June...
Good evening to you all, I hope you are all safe, doing ok and happy. As you may of seen, the government are hoping that some school...
Good morning, We hope you are all ok and staying safe throughout this lockdown. The government announced lockdown will be extended for...
Dear Parents, Thank you all for responding to our emails, phone calls and messages. Due to the lack of demand Pre-school will NOT be...
PLEASE READ AND RESPOND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Dear Parents/Carers, We appreciate this is a stressful time for everyone and will do our best...
Pre-school and Farm Friends CLOSURE
As of Tuesday 17th March, Pre-school and Farm Friends will be CLOSED until Monday 20th April. Due to Primary School closures we will not...

Wiltshire Council Childcare Survey
Wiltshire Council are conducting a survey into childcare, please see details and the link to complete the survey below. Are you a...

Easy Fundraising
Thank you to everyone who uses Easy Fundraising, we've just received £31.85! If you haven't already got an Easy Fundraising account, you...

easyfundraising Valentines Competition
WIN £250 worth of chocolate for yourself and a £250 donation for us with easyfundraising this Valentine’s Day! It’s easy and completely...
Next Committee Meeting
Our next Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 at 7.30pm at Pre-school. Please feel free to join us.