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Sports Day success

Good evening to you all, I hope you've had a fab weekend. Piglets have had a busy week in their construction area again. They have been using the soft bricks to build structures, make shapes and as stepping stones. There has been good team work, decision making and imagination throughout the week. They have been exploring colours with paint making pictures using their handprints ✋ Small world activities have been the dolls house 🏠 and the trains & track 🚂 The children have been working together to build the track then once built adding the trains to go on adventures. The dolls house has come to life with lots of furniture and small world figures added to make a home 💖 Their cooking activity was making biscuits for our sports day !! Lambs have been very busy practicing for a very special occasion.... But I can't say anymore.....shhhhhh !! They have been doing lots of cutting activities. Cutting out objects and shapes. There has been singing, dancing and instrument playing too both indoors and out. Letters & Sounds this week was Rhyming books where the children have been learning about words that rhyme then picking out rhyming pairs. Their topic for this week....11th... Is vehicles 🚂🚌🚒🚗🚚 Once again I'd like to thank you all for supporting our sports day it was a great success. Seeing everyone sat together having a picnic in the grounds of our lovely preschool & the sunshine was wonderful !! 🌞🌞 We made £58 in donations so THANK YOU !!!! Don't forget our parents consultations this Thursday 14th. Please see the staff in each room for an appointment 😊

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