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A very good morning to you all ! ☀️☀️ With the comfort and support of my amazing girls the children are starting to settle in to their new routines and rooms. Our topic for the term is Autumn and the children have already started to make autumn display boards in their rooms 🍁🍂🍃 There is a topic sheet in the hallway with activities on, if you have any ideas please feel free to add it !! I have some exciting news ......We had an outstandingly generous donation before the end of the summer term and have been able to purchase a licence which will enable us to download educational activities and information for our topics. This week we've been able to show the children Mr Tumble who uses Makaton which is a fun way to help children with communication skills. And also songs and rhymes which incorporates Letters & Sounds. We also purchased a child's camera for each room so our children can now explore different technology and take photos of each other and the outside environment. So from myself, the staff and all the children I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU !!! On Thursday we are planning to visit Greentrees copes area where the children will be looking for different leaves to use on their display boards. Can I just remind you all to please make sure you child's belongings are named... Bags, lunch boxes, coats, hats etc Thank you 😊😊

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