It's a small world

Good evening to you all ! It's been another busy week settling the children in but we're getting there ! 😊 The children have all been doing lots of activities for our Autumn topic. Making pictures for their display boards, finding resources form their environment for their small world dinosaur play... Leaves, sticks, twigs and fir cones. On Monday the Lambs went over the Greentrees Hall where they did Music & Movement using the hoops and Thursday all the children went and explored Greentrees Copes. They packed their snack and all sat together in the forest area and had a little picnic. There was lots of exploring, climbing, leaf collecting and tree rubbing ! The children came back to preschool each carrying something they'd collected flowers, leaves, bark, twigs and stories of lots of wonderful exciting adventures 😊😊 This week the children will be using the resources they collected for their activities.