Autumn activities

Good evening I hope you've all had a great weekend 😊 This week the children have been doing their Autumn activities 🍁🍂🍃 Piglets have been experimenting with different tools to make Autumn trees, this week they used washing up brushes and paint. Their cooking activity was Hedgehog cakes and they managed not to eat them before home time !! Lambs Autumn activities have been making pictures using different leaves they collected on their walk last week and their cooking activity was biscuits and they used pumpkin shaped cutters 🎃🎃🎃 Both rooms have been learning action songs using Makaton, it has been very interesting and good fun !! Piglets have been doing threading activities using different shapes and would like to collect kitchen roll tubes and have asked if you could please start collecting 😊 Also they have asked for their children to bring in family photos to talk about at group time. Both rooms have a few new resources for their role play areas,Ironing boards and tea sets.... we've seen some wonderful imaginative play !! ☺️☺️☺️ We are focusing on our outside and this week have made a new construction area..... photos to follow !! We still need a few more resources to complete it.... orange fencing, bricks and wheel barrows.... but the children have all had fun exploring it and working together sharing the equipment. Could I also remind you now the weather is on the change that the children bring in a coat, wellies and a spare change of clothes .....all named please. Also nappies and wipes if needed as we don't keep spare ones at preschool thank you very much 😊