Poppy Day

Good evening to you all. I hope you've all had a fab weekend.
This week in Piglets they have continued celebrating Fireworks night 💥 They have been painting Catherine wheels using cardboard tubes and sticking bonfire pictures. Their focused activity was cutting & scissor control. Learning how to use one handed tools and making snips in paper. All week the children have been busy exploring their new treasure basket full of materials, natural resources, metals, wood, boxes, padlocks & keys. The children have all been fully involved with this activity using their senses to explore.
On Friday they made poppies using their handprints & straws and decorated biscuits using red paint & chocolate buttons. They also made crispy cakes where they counted & weighed out the ingredients, took it in turns to stir the mixture and followed instructions. All enjoyed the end result !!!
Lambs went over Greentrees hall on Monday where they did an obstacle course working together, taking turns and following instructions. Their focused activity was counting. This was incorporated in to their cooking activity Cheese swirls by counting out the ingredients and key counting where they had to count & sort the keys 🔑 and match them to the correct 🔐 Blast and Letters & Sounds has been carried out each day in small groups. The children did their own interpretation of a poppy for Remembrance Day and talked about why we wear them. At 11am on Friday the children did the 2 minute silence. It was a very touching moment and we were all incredibly proud of them ❤️❤️ Next week 14th-18th is Spotty week to raise money for Children in Need. The children can come dressed in spots and bring a donation in if they wish. There will be lots of spotty activities for them to get involved in and we will talk about why we are raising money 😊