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Getting ready for school

Good evening 😊😊 It was a busy week in Lambs as the children start getting ready for school!!!! There has been a big focus on independent skills, self-care, putting shoes & coats on, self service at snack time and hanging our coats on our pegs. Turn taking and pencil control are also worked on each day. The children made fruit kebabs where they discussed which was their favourite fruits 🍑🍇🍓🍌and practiced their threading skills. Letters & Sounds this week was 'Things that make a sound'.... going down a slide, laughing, yawning etc. Piglets were busy making special cards for next Sunday 💙 They did lots of small world activities.... Happy land,trains & tracks , mini beasts & animals 🐶🐱🐰🐘🐝 These activities help with imagination & imaginary play. Outside the children enjoyed water play, filling and emptying various containers along with using the scales to weigh mud and water. Working out which was heaviest & lightest and if you needed to add more or less. The children started practicing for our Sports Day which is on the 29th June. Everyone joined in our Teddy Bears Picnic 🐻🐻 Our bears had snack with us, we watched Winnie the Pooh together, read and listened to stories and made Teddy Bear biscuits 🐻🐻 A big THANK YOU, we raised £36 😊😊

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